
The Workout

I wake to dark, and take my standing slow.
I feel my achy joints and a painful sear.
I learn I pay when I do cardio.

I think while reeling. Why does everyone go?
I hear my joints popping from toe to ear.
I wake to dark, and take my standing slow.

Of Starbucks close beside me, where are you?
God bless the Grounds! I shall walk gingerly there,
I learn I pay when I do cardio.

Light takes my breath; but who can tell me how?
My lowly body can climb down a winding stair;
I wake to dark, and take my standing slow.

Great Fitness offers another class to do
To you and me; so take the painful stair
To lovely java, I learn I pay when I do cardio.

This shaking keeps me walking steady. I should know
Where the closest Starbucks is always. And is near.
I wake to dark, and take my standing slow.
I learn I pay when I do cardio.

by Lainey O'Brien

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Available in print

Lainey O'Brien was born on April Fool's Day (not a joke, she promises) and gets her sense of humor from her dad, a retired US Postal Service employee! She has a Bachelorette of Science in Edumacation and is currently a grad student studying the fields of Curriculum & Insurrection. Her high school English teacher once told her she wasn't "a strong enough writer," so she got angry and won first place in the State High School Essay Contest!